Keanu Reeves: I’m thinking about death all the time

by isthekeyintheroom


  1. I’m going to buy this book and read it, I broadly like the majority of what Keanu has made in the past, and he seems like a good egg.

    I write poetry sometimes, and when you’ve gone through a loss, it’s massively cathartic to channel that into some form of story, I hope this was that for him if he needed it.

  2. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    Same Keanu! With everything happening in the world currently I’m more surprised at anyone who isn’t having an existential crisis tbh!

  3. >The actor plays down his role in the collaborative process though, insisting: “I didn’t write a novel. China wrote a novel.”

    >Miéville argues “that’s putting it too far,” adding: “It wouldn’t exist in the form without a lot of very thoughtful and careful work with Keanu.”

    I love how openly he credits his collaborators and doesn’t pretend he’s doing it all himself. I don’t think he’d put his name on something he didn’t substantially contribute to, but it’s great to acknowledge he had help to create the best version of his project. That’s not nearly common enough.

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