Marvel Announces ‘Avengers: Secret Wars’ and ‘Avengers: Doomsday,’ Directed by the Russo Brothers

by ICumCoffee


  1. Kinda burying the lede with the title: Robert Downey Jr was announced as Dr. Doom.

  2. LiverpoolPlastic on

    The absolute best part about the Russos’ MCU movies was the writing so this decision means absolutely nothing without Markus and McFeely back in the writers room. Their “direction”(as much as you’re allowed to direct these things) was the weakest part of those movies. Winter Soldier was well directed though.

    Civil War and Infinity War were carried by their writing as the direction was the weakest part of the filmmaking. And less said about the direction of Endgame, the better.

  3. skittlesforeveryone on

    Wonder what the budgets will be with Russo’s and RDJ back. I’m glad they’re course correcting from the looks of it but also not sure how they’re going to be able to pull off a good Avengers movie when there hasn’t been a many MCU movie to care about since the last one

  4. I’m an Iron Man to Endgame die hard, and I REALLY wanna be excited since it’s the Russos… but so much of the MCU excitement was built on momentum and I haven’t even seen any Marvel projects, movie or TV since Thor 4… So, it’s gonna be tough to get my ass into the theater for this.

  5. Quitsquirrel on

    As much as I enjoyed RDJ’s run in the MCU, this shit is lazy as hell. Doom is such an important villain and all anyone is going to be focused on is RDJ playing him more so than the character.

  6. legalizethesenuts on

    RDJ as Doom? I like RDJ and everything, but goddamn dude. I was hoping for Cillian Murphy or Mads Mikkelsen.

  7. I’m not saying anything negative till I see it. This might be fucking awesome

  8. Great…So more characters taking off their masks during battle every time they speak. Russo special.

  9. Stargalaxy33 on

    Yawn. Another generic marvel move with terrible writing and dull humour who gets old fast.

    Been there done that.

  10. tha_based_god on

    With this and RDJ returning as Doom, marvels gone full desperation mode. Dont get me wrong, im excited about the news but damn, they really scared

  11. SeagullsStopItNowz on

    Did they say anything about what they’re doing about Kang? I thought DP&W was gonna address and reverse it, but no, nothin.

  12. I guess the rumors about RDJ being in Secret Wars were true, but not in the way anyone expected.

  13. Gummy-Worm-Guy on

    I’m not sure why RDJ is returning to the MCU. I would’ve understood if this was right after something like Dolittle, but the man just starred in Oppenheimer, a good, successful movie, where he gave an amazing performance that won him an Oscar. It seems like he finally found his groove in his post-MCU days, and now he’s on his way back.

    I’m not hating on his decision or saying he is “above” the MCU now—I just think it’s unusual.

  14. I might have cared and been super pumped about this 5 years ago but phase 4 and 5 had largely been underwhelming at best and a travesty at worst. Vol 3, spider man stuff and werewolf by night have been about it for me. Did really enjoy Deadpool this weekend.

    If they can correct course more broadly, maybe these will end up back to prime marvel but I just don’t see how they can get there as it stands.

  15. Honestly, I see this as more desperate than them clinging onto new ideas and characters. It feels regressive in a way

  16. Love Downey but with him and Harrison Ford cast as Red Hulk, I don’t know what they are doing. They need some younger actors that can play the role again in 5-10 years.

  17. Like I really hope RDJ didn’t come back just because they gave him alot of money.

    He would’ve been better off negotiating and getting Disney to commit to like a 3 motion picture deal, where he gets to choose any type of movie he wants, with full creative control, choosing his own director and actors, and being given a sizable budget and guaranteed marketing to release it in theaters.

    Why does he need more money at this point, when rumors had it that he was already making $50 to $80 million for each Avengers movie because he was getting points on the backend?

  18. This might make me go see a Marvel Movie again.

    Kinda lost interest in recent yesrs and only watch their movies at home, if ever.
    Like I haven’t caught up with *a lot* of stuff because its just *too much*

    *But* seeing another Russo Avenger Movie with RDJ in it?
    Sign me the fuck up.

  19. TraverseTown on

    It’s not a good look for their growth if they’re falling back on old talent

  20. RedOctober375 on

    I am glad that they are shifting away from Kang, but also disappointed that they wasted the potential he could’ve had.

  21. kristenjaymes on

    Fun / Desperate

    The way an individual thinks about something matters just as much as the something itself.

    I’m in the fun camp, ready to explore creative possibilities and ready to enjoy the ride they take us on. If you want to view this as desperate, I think that shows a lot about how you tend to engage with media.

  22. I never ever considered myself an MCU fan despite thinking the movies were decent enough, but now that everyone shits on them, I feel like one of the few fans still around. Lel

  23. skywalkerRCP on

    Fuck me man I’m so hyped. Deadpool was so good and now this. My cap meter is off the rails.

  24. ChessClubChimp on

    For the second time in his career RDJ will be a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

  25. Well here’s to hoping he’s an actual MCU Doom and not just… >!Evil Tony Stark!<

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