Long Range Forecast: JOKER: FOLIE À DEUX Tracking for $100M+ Debut

by ExtensionGiraffe9239


  1. Educational_Slice897 on

    With the new venice reviews out, I’m expecting this to open on the lower end of that spectrum, and then the legs won’t be as good.

  2. This will do very well (700m+ at least), the mixed reviews often mention it being bold/a rejection of the first. Very curious to see audience reception – considering most people didn’t think Arthur was a hero anyway, and this doubled down on that.

  3. newjackgmoney21 on

    This movie went from a what felt like a sure thing to a wild card IMO. What changed my mind on this films box office isn’t the reviews but what the reviews said the plot is about.

    If this movie is a courtroom drama mixed with a musical that kinda shits on what made people fans of the first movie….i just don’t see how it doesn’t collapse after opening weekend.

  4. Dangerous-Hawk16 on

    I saw vieweranon say reviewers were saying Todd Philips pulled a Hangover 3 with this film. I expect it to do good but I don’t see a billion, overseas will do a lot of heavy lifting because Europe adored the first film

  5. This movie will still do good but I don’t think this will hit $1 billion like some on this sub thought a month ago

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