‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Season 6 Officially Starts Production, Hulu Sets Spring Premiere

by NoCulture3505


  1. I have a friend who swears by this series. Maybe when it’s done I’ll give it another try.

    Really feels like it ended four years ago.

  2. I’m actually looking forward to it. I like multiple side characters and want to see how this all ends.

  3. Sorry_Sorry_Im_Sorry on

    Lost all interest in the show when I found out it’s lead actress is a lifelong Scientologist.

    >Moss’ fans have long had to reconcile her award-winning gifts as an actor with her involvement in Scientology, especially because “The Handmaid’s Tale” casts her as a feminist warrior fighting back against an oppressive and cultish government. The clash between “The Handmaid’s Tale” and Scientology has led to criticism against Moss. When The New Yorker writer Michael Schulman brought up that some fans are “distracted” by her Scientology ties, she responded, “People can obviously hold in their mind whatever they want to, and I can’t control that. If it’s not that, it’s going to be something else.”

    >“It’s not really a closed-off religion,” Moss said of Scientology. “It’s a place that is very open to, like, welcoming in somebody who wants to learn more about it. I think that’s the thing that is probably the most misunderstood.”


  4. They couldn’t even be bothered to change the article from being about Season 5. I’ll watch this but only because of the time I’ve sunk into it and it’s once a season brilliant episode.

  5. I stopped after realising that the main character can do whatever the fuck she wants without any kind of consequences.

    Others were killed or sent into death camps for a fraction of what she did.

    The show should’ve been 2 seasons max.

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