Ben Stiller and John Turturro Tease ‘Severance’ Season 2: ‘We Are Delving Into the Unknown’

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. MarvelsGrantMan136 on

    S2 premieres January 17


    >“It’s an interesting experience. I’ve never been through it before — a second season of anything. Everything I’ve done has gotten canceled back in the day. But, you know, I feel like there’s an expectation that the audience has — that they should have if they love something. For us, it’s just been the process of trying to live up to our expectation of what we think the show should be and commit to that.”

    >“It’s been an interesting, trying time over the last few years to make things, on all levels for people. So to keep that focus on trying to make the best possible season, being aware that it’s taken a long time. I, like other people, get frustrated when things take a long time. I want to have the next season sooner. So I understand that feeling of the expectation.”

    >“I’m excited for it. We put everything into it. And it’s been fun to explore the story and work with these actors and [series creator] Dan Erickson. I’ve never had that experience of being with something for so long, where the characters really start to have a life and the actors understand the characters so well, and it grows into something more.”


    >“I think it’ll be a really interesting second season. We are delving into the unknown that the audience is waiting for, and then doing it incrementally.”

  2. I’m pumped but it boggles my mind that a show that was filmed mostly on a white room has taken 3 years to get to season 2. With house of dragon it’s ridiculous but I get it since it’s insane production. Why are we waiting years in between seasons for simple shows like this?

  3. It’s wild that the reported budget is $20m per episode.

    They’ll be in the same room for 90% of the time.

    Do they sprinkle cocaine on the floor for good luck?

  4. I hope they have a much bigger reveal planned than just what their jobs are because that was very obvious.

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