Numbers don’t lie, and even this early red flags everywhere and @jokermovie is in big big trouble if first half day of pre-sales are any indication. $100m opening in serious jeopardy and might go a lot lower. Hopefully won’t head for The Marvels / The Flash territory.

by Legitimate_Throat369


  1. CivilWarMultiverse on

    Sequels to DC movies that grossed $335M domestic, starring a character named Arthur. . .are cursed

  2. newjackgmoney21 on

    Oh boy, when Empire City isn’t hyping up your presale numbers sales must be disappointing.

  3. HarlequinKing1406 on

    To those who say that Joker 2 will still be in Best Picture at the Oscars because audiences will be there to support it – you might want to give up that dream.

  4. Dangerous-Hawk16 on

    God this doesn’t sound good at all. With reviews saying Todd pulled Hangover 3, I kinda rather he do with Joker 2 what he did with Hang over 2. A repeat of the same story because a-lot of the reviews for Joker 2 are very negative. And I don’t think it has to do with the musical aspect becoz Wonka was musical. Many reviews say this sequel is a big F U to fans of first film

  5. HumanAdhesiveness912 on

    *Venom 3* might be the second highest superhero grossing movie of the year just like in 2021.

  6. Sure_Phase5925 on

    Usually this guy is known for hyping up movies so holy shit.

    I guess I’ll watch Joker Beatboxing memes/the first Joker instead if Joker 2 is really that bad.

  7. Word of mouth will be crucial to this movie if it’s terrible this thing will drop like a rock week 2.

    I still think there is enough intrigue surrounding this for enough people to go see this opening weekend.

  8. DecayingNightscape on

    I don’t recall Empire tweeting anything but often exaggerated hype for numbers… The situation must be quite dire.

  9. Legitimate_Throat369 on

    I think ultimately what the studio and the creative teams biggest mistake was trying to lean in too hard on making this another award winning film. By doing that, they ultimately lose a lot of the comic book fans who ultimately want to see lots of conventional action and be simply entertained. Incorporating a musical aspect also just feels weird for a sequel to a film that didn’t have any of that.

  10. PointsOutTheUsername on

    Can you hear that?

    That’s the sound of a bunch of $1B+ predictions being deleted.

    Kidding, but I *never* saw the hype for the sequel like some did.

  11. Optimistic-Man-3609 on

    Not sure the musical approach was the right idea. A lot of people might not give it a chance because of that.

  12. I can’t imagine the people who really liked the first one were looking for a musical with Lady Gaga as a follow-up.

  13. Todd and Joaquin got high on their own supply and these are the consequences. WB are bunch of idiots.

  14. InevitableBad589 on

    Good. Ever since it was revealed to be a musical, I have zero interest in ever seeing it. It’s like giving the audience that made the first a big hit the middle finger.

  15. I had a feeling, the 70mm IMAX showings near me are pretty lackluster for what first day 70mm IMAX sales look like, which are usually the fastest selling.

    Oppenheimer and Dune showings were nearly sold out for the entire weekend regardless of the time, versus this has so many empty spaces even on Friday. Maybe this ends up with more walk ups than being pre sell heavy?

  16. I was expecting weak legs, but to have a strong opening weekend. If the opening is imperiled…well shit.

  17. I feel like this is a movie that was made for egos of the actors and award season and not Batman fans. You know the old saying in film, “one for them and one for me”. After the first movie was successful, this is the one they made for themselves.

  18. Dependent_Ad6139 on

    The way this movie is already starting with so many red flags is reminding me a lot of The Flash and The Marvels, Im not gonna lie

  19. Key-Payment2553 on

    Feels like the next Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice and Ant Man and the Wasp Quantamania levels where it had a bigger opening but a harsh 2nd weekend drop due to negative WOM

  20. It sounds like Captain Marvel, Aquaman and Alice in Wonderland are about to welcome a newcomer to the club of billion dollar films that were one-hit wonders.

  21. Yikes.

    Empire is usually a delusional hype man so you know the numbers are actually catastrophic when he says they are only bad.

    Musical, bad reviews, low opening, divisive reception. I think it’s cooked before it even opens.

    Last thing WB needed before the Superman reboot.

  22. Street-Common-4023 on

    Would be suprised but hey, already planning on seeing this but I’m also gonna see venom 3

  23. Oh my God, can we have one DC movie make money since 2022? Just one. We’ll really have to hope that Gunn’s Superman is a success.

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