Let’s Stop Worrying About the Box Office and Start Talking About the Movies Again; Why fanboy bean counting is making movie discourse worse than ever.

by Sisiwakanamaru


  1. This is true but what are movies without box office? To stop worrying about box office means to stop worrying about theatres? What next? God, I hope theatres don’t die in my lifetime. You can talk that elite shit 100 years later but for now box office is important. Is it a metric to decide a movie’s quality? Fuck, no. But box office will always be important

  2. I fully agree. I see far too much discourse online about a movie being good because it made a lot of money or has a high Rotten Tomatoes score. Can we get back to talking about the actual quality of films? It’s exhausting.

  3. Another thought: it’s a real shame how commercially focused all studios are now. Netflix and Disney don’t care about making good films for $10M; all they want is the next “big thing,” and they always chase that with bloated $200M CGI fests with movie stars. Cord Jefferson’s Oscar speech continues to be relevant every time I see some garbage blockbuster being funded.

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