A24 Landing TIFF Title ‘Friendship’ For Mid-7 Figures; Stars Tim Robinson, Paul Rudd, and Kate Mara

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. MarvelsGrantMan136 on


    >Centers on Craig Waterman (Robinson), who enjoys his life. He likes New Balance shoes, Subway sandwiches, and Marvel movies. He lives in the suburbs with his wife, Tami, and son, Steven. He’s happy to work at Universal Digital, a company that helps brands make their products more habit-forming. Craig sees no reason to change anything or make new friends… until weatherman Brian moves into the neighborhood. Mysterious yet friendly, macho but vulnerable, Brian (Rudd) transforms everything for Craig, but Craig’s obsessive and childlike nature threatens to ruin the friendship, and possibly everything else in his life.

  2. How often of a delay is there on TIFF movies getting wide releases? There’s been some great looking and well received TIFF movies I’m excited to check out.

    Is it dependent on Oscar chances, with Oscar worthy ones getting limited releases later in the year, where more broad appeal ones (like Friendship) would get 2025 releases?

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