1. And this is why Coppola didn’t get the 100 million he asked about. I am going to assume that Lionsgate saw this coming and decided to not giving him the money.

  2. Quite sad as this seems interesting, I will be seeing this in IMAX soon so I am helping. Be prepared for this to be on Deadlines biggest bombs of 2024 list

  3. Usually I’d feel bad (I want every movie to make as much money as possible), but this was such a hot mess that I don’t care too much. I saw it last week and it’s honestly one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. The only way to get any enjoyment at all is to go in with a “so bad it’s good” mindset, but even that didn’t work for me.

    It’s Neil Breen with a big budget. The entire movie is a non-stop series of second-hand embarrassment’s. It *looks* like a cheap Lifetime movie and is written like a middle school play.

    More than half the audience had already left before Adam Driver, Giancarlo Esposito, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Coppola came up on stage for the Q&A. It was embarrassing.

  4. Holy hell this is bad. It’s only 10 days from release and already used up most of its marketing and review boost (usually films get a lot more marketing and reviews drop closer to release).

    Absolute disaster at the box office.

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