Official Poster for Anna Kendrick’s ‘Woman of the Hour’

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. MarvelsGrantMan136 on

    It’s Kendrick’s directorial debut:

    >In 1978, serial killer Rodney Alcala appeared on *The Dating Game* and won a date with bachelorette Cheryl Bradshaw. At the time, Alcala had murdered five women, and his strange facade during the episode later nicknamed him “The Dating Game Killer”


  2. DancerAtTheEdge on

    I’m not generally a fan of directors also casting themselves in the lead role, but others have pulled it off before to great effect, and Kendrick has proven herself to be fairly talented. I’ll probably check it out at some point.

    Digging the poster.

  3. I can wait to watch this movie and I hope am in for a treat because the trailer is so good. And I love the 70s aesthetics of this poster

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