“How could I leave?”: Jon Stewart says he may stay on at “The Daily Show” past election

by indig0sixalpha


  1. Woo!

    Honestly I love the current Daily Show format. Let Jon ring in the week on Mondays, then hand off to other anchors Tuesday through Thursday. Comedy Central gets to benefit from higher ratings since, if people tune in for one night, they’ll likely continue watching through at least ***some*** of the week, and it keeps things fresh creatively as each host imparts their own spin on the follow-ups

  2. lol I think he should leave, but have another weekly show in a format that suits his needs. The problem… was good. Just Apple being dicks that ruined it. Stay with CC, and start a new weekly show. Having half a foot back in the past insnt going to help anyone. Give the Daily show to Desi or someone good(not Noah).

  3. Snuggle__Monster on

    The 1 day a week is working great and the rotation of hosts the rest of the week have been killing it. Desi and Michael Kosta have both improved greatly. Desi Lydic is pretty much at the point where she’s capable of hosting her own show.

  4. Hasan Minhaj was the perfect TDS replacement host, unfortunately, a lot of things went wrong for that to happen. Even his Netflix show was awesome.

  5. ItsJustADankBro on

    Where’s that quote of him saying how a working democracy isn’t just for the election day, it’s the next day and every day after that going forward?

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