Starting off Apocalypse Now with “The End” is so very perfect and ironic

by tomhagen


  1. I’ve often wondered how that must have felt to see that in the theater not expecting the movie to kick off with a Doors song. I wonder if it was like I felt when I saw Fight Club and never in a million years expected a Pixies song to start cranking as a city collapsed.

  2. I saw this on 35 mm for the first time earlier this year and the sequence is all the more powerful on the big screen with the music enveloping you. The helicopters to ceiling fan transition was genuinely a holy shit he’s still entirely there I fucking love movies so much moment, even though I’d seen it multiple times before.

  3. Just watched Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Apocalypse about this…so golden…did you know Heart of Darkness was the basis of one of the greatest books ever written on shamanism? Shamanism, Terror and Healing in the Amazon goes on half the book about how that book and it’s author’s encounters with the natives of Africa epitomizes the psychic space between Indians and colonists, and the rest explains how Ayahuasca navigates that liminal space. I think at the end of the film, we see the kind of pure essence of the transcultural Ayahuasca discourse, if a colonist became a shaman and sponsored followers, which that book is getting to, and I’ve accompllished somewhat myself, as an initiate of White Mountain Apache shamanism…by an elder named Windsinger the US Military killed, like our topic of discussion. What the US Military would go to to assassinate their enemies, which was the basis of Vietnam, killing the President of Vietnam before the War started; then JFK gets assassinated after he does this for the deep state. It’s all about assassination…of what then? The transcendence…the future…the present from happening….we’re already there with them everyday, every saying of this new state speaks death to that moment, however. What do we fight then? They’re the ones demanding to with us…when we’re present, and that’s all my experience has been. I see them work at attacking Kundalini and the rest everyday and attempt to keep it all to themselves as the Nazi party, it’s why they assassinated the Haitian president is in Haiti they have the secrets of kundalini, and then they start BLM lines at the White House at the same time for White Joe Biden passing the torch onto basically white Kamala, to consolidate the powers of Haitian voodoo within the US Gov’t and control all as pharaohs would their slaves.

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