Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion of the Christ’ Sequel begins filming early next year

by bringerdas


  1. Took him bloody long enough. With how much cash the last one made, expect the script to spark a heated bidding war between at least Lionsgate, Sony-Affirm, and Angel Studios over who gets to release it with Icon worldwide. (Possibly Universal too, as they’d presumably love a Jesus flick not from the Pure Flix factory.)

  2. AnotherJasonOnReddit on

    >*Mel Gibson is gearing up for the production of The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection, the highly anticipated sequel to his groundbreaking 2004 film… According to the Italian news agency Italpress, Gibson is currently in Malta with a production team, scouting potential filming locations for Resurrection. The visit is part of a five-day trip that will involve meetings with government officials on the Mediterranean island.*

    “The Mechanic” made $76M WW in 2011, but then “Mechanic: **Resurrection”** went on to make $125M WW in 2016.

    Meanwhile, “The Passion of the Christ” makes $612M WW in 2004, and now we have “The Passion of the Christ: **Resurrection”** coming in 2026…


  3. I’d rather see an Apocalypto sequel. Such a stone cold classic which leaves you wanting more.

    Fist time I watched it was abroad without subtitles and the movie was just as good. I was honestly surprised years later on a rewatch that we were supposed to understand the dialogue. Hah the film is so well executed and acted, the movie works just as well without it.

  4. Angel Studios has to distribute this right? It would reteam them with Jim Caviezel after Sound Of Freedom.

    I’m sure they wouldn’t mind getting into business with Mel either.

  5. “Jesus Christ, that’s Jesus Christ.”

    “Romans are like mushrooms. Feed them shit and keep them in the dark.”

    “Life is like a box of bread. You never know what you’re going to get.”

    “No, I am your father.” “Nooooooo!”

    “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is Jerusalem!”

    “I wish I knew how to quit you.”

    “I’m back.”

    “You’ve been crucified!” “It’s just a flesh wound.”

    “I see dead people.”

    “Aramaic, mother fucker! Do you speak it?!”

    “To live twice would be an awfully big adventure.”

    “This one time, at carpentry camp…”

    “May the power of God be with you.”

  6. originalusername4567 on

    So definitely not coming out in 2025, as I expected. Probably Easter 2026 if they can wrap it up early enough.

    What happened to filming this year? Guess there must have been some sort of behind-the-scenes delay.

  7. i hope this is an action movie about jesus going into hell with assault rifles and saving folks.all jokes aside this is probably gonna make a ton of money

  8. Different_Cricket_75 on

    So Ash Wednesday or Easter 2026 I guess.

    This one will be hard to predict, I can see this having a The Marvels/Aquaman 2/ Alice 2 type of drop from the first movie…as I can see it becoming the Top Gun Maverick/Inside Out 2 of the year tbh

  9. Wait. Sequel?

    They showed the resurrection in the first one. As far as I know that’s all there is to the story, right?

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