Interested to know what you guys think about Chappell's recent statements made during her interview with The Face.

In this interview, Chappell speaks about her struggles with fame, her fear of winning a Grammy, and her record deal. We've previously seen her manager state that she has a 100% rule, meaning if its not 100% yes, its a no. The quote from The Face shows that Chappell owns her masters for The Rise and Fall, and that she has "one of the best deals ever in modern music".

So Im curious what your thoughts are on some of Chappells recent behavior, in light of this information? A lot of supporters have shifted blame onto her team and management, but it seems she wields way more executive power than most artists.

For example, when Chappell cancelled her European shows with 2 days notice (after weeks of rumors) to perform at the VMAs, many people flocked fo blame her team for poor management and planning. I have seen this rhetoric regurgitated time and time again, but it seems to be becoming increasingly clear that Chappell actually has a lot more agency than shes given credit for, and I dont think it does her any favors to infantilize her.

Curious to know what your thoughts are! Ive been a Chappell fan for years, but cant support some of her recent actions, and wanted to get an opinion that was outside of my bubble!

by etherealsnailfish


  1. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    There’s no question that Chappell Roan makes awesome music, but the way she comes off in interviews rubs me a bit the wrong way. Maybe it’s because I’m not always getting the full context but she sounds pretty hedonistic.

    That being said, I fully support her when she put up her boundaries with her fans and prioritizing her own mental health.

  2. I’m really shocked by the enmity I see for her in all the comments in posts about her. Everyone says she needs media training and PR. Maybe. But I think we are also watching someone grapple with becoming famous and the horrors that go along with that. It’s easy to say she’s been working for years and should have seen it coming, but I just don’t think it’s something that can be understood until it’s lived. I don’t know. It’s odd to see people talk about how the media and stans treat women and then turn around an criticize her for struggling because of the way she’s being treated. I know people are going to give me examples of how terrible she is or whatever, but I just don’t agree. And I hope she’s going to be ok in the long run.

  3. All I hear from her and her team is that she gets everything exactly how she wants it, and then complaining about the nasty, but foreseeable, consequences of getting it.

  4. I think she does need a better PR team but I swear the way a lot of you talk about her in here makes it sound like you unironically want her to be the girl that Olivia Rodrigo satirized in “All American Bitch” lmao

  5. Otherwise-Mango2732 on

    >We’ve previously seen her manager state that she has a 100% rule, meaning if its not 100% yes, its a no

    But what does this actually mean lol

  6. I swear, her every statement and interview only serve to make her increasingly unlikable. Doesn’t she have a PR team or something? Also her fixation with the word bitch is such an eyeroll, she’s like a 5-year old who’s just heard the word for the first time and can’t stop repeating it ad nauseam.

  7. I wish EVERY artist, particularly the minorities, got fair deals from the outset of their career. I’ve heard horror stories that make my stomach hurt and my blood boil at what’s been done to artists in the industry because they signed a bad deal. 

    Good for Chappell, because no one should be held hostage in a fucked up 360 type deal. But, we as consumers should be more vocal about how the standard industry practices around contracts are cruel, abusive and theft. That’s why I won’t shade her on this opinion because it’s important we recognize the need for better industry practices. 

  8. Good for her. The industry has been known to make artists work under terrible contracts. Here’s a female who seemingly has been empowered to work on her art as she sees fit.

  9. maybe she is just very real, but with how often she makes these statements it all looks like a performance tbh

  10. Perfect-Ad-9071 on

    Waaaaay back in the olden times, George Michael struggled with identity, fame, record deals, and the industry as a whole and as a result wrote the seminal song Freedom ’90. I hope Chappell can channel all of this into her music, too.


  11. UnitedRefrigerator60 on

    Celebrities are just like us! Some of them are talented but have shit/icky personalities.

  12. AdhesivenessDear3289 on

    Do her parents have money or something? She acts like a person who comes from wealth and that is not a compliment 

  13. YogurtclosetNo5580 on

    I wonder if she realizes how spoiled and ungrateful she’s sounded in the last few weeks?

  14. DripIntravenous on

    Her skyrocket to fame and descent to overexposure should be studied for real. Never seen someone get famous like that and have public opinion turn on someone so quickly lol

  15. Did she grow up privileged? I know her origin story is she grew up in a trailer park but I get a profoundly spoiled vibe from so many of her sound bites.

  16. In the last few weeks I’ve gone from not really knowing Chapell Roan, loving a couple of songs I heard on the radio, to feeling like her therapist

  17. TheWestRemembers on

    God, I hope I’m wrong, but it reminds me of a Disney villain that starts off small but gets to that “Now all the power is MINE! And you can’t stop me muahaha” stage lol

  18. She also said she didn’t want a grammy, then submitted songs for Grammys. Don’t submit if you don’t want one!

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