‘Orphan Black: Echoes’ Canceled By AMC Networks After 1 Season

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. ObviouslyTriggered on

    I thought it was already canceled when they decided to air in Australia almost a year prior to releasing it in NA?

    Anyhow not much was lost, aged makeup was a bit iffy and if we are all honest Orphan Black kinda went off the rails (it should’ve been done in 2-3 seasons instead of 5) also but the acting of Tatiana and novelty of having a main actor play so many characters still carried it on.

    This one didn’t really had a good gimmick and the “clones of different ages” thing didn’t work out nearly as well as the actual clones clones.

  2. ROBtimusPrime1995 on

    Sorry for fans of the show.

    But now that she is free, Krysten, when Marvel Studios calls, take the job this time.

    We missed out on Jessica Jones returning to the MCU because of this show (scheduling conflicts).

  3. I waited to watch it for exactly this reason. For anything resembling sci-fi, you gotta let it run for a few seasons before you’re safe to watch it.

    Sci Fi being cancelled is as predictable as anything.

  4. The show was alright, but since they decided to set it in the Orphan Black world, it was obviously compared to it and couldn’t live up to the superior parent show. If it had just been it’s own thing, it’d have been better.

  5. I wanted to like this show, but it never hooked me like Orphan Black did.

    It also took me way too long to realize this was set in the future until aged up Felix arrived. Plus apparently there is a lot of lore in other mediums that I never realized was out there.

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