He was pronounced dead at 12:45 p.m. The post-mortem examination concluded that Hendrix aspirated his own vomit and died of asphyxia while intoxicated with barbiturates.

Jimi’s last known spoken words were in a voicemail to his manager: “I need help bad, man.” However, there was also a poem found near his body called The Story of Life. In it, Jimi writes about Jesus. Though the poem appears to be influenced by the gnostic gospels found in Nag Hammadi (Egypt) in 1945, there are several beautiful phrases that show Jimi’s longing for the true Savior and His actual promise that this life isn’t the end of the story. He also seems to show his appreciation for those disciples who dared to share the truth as a beacon of light to a dark world.

The story is written

By so many people who dared,

To lay down the truth

To so very many who cared

To carry the cross

Of Jesus and beyond

We will guide the light

Jimi’s last stanza combines the realism of life with the confidence that there’s something after this life. “The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye. The story of love is hello and goodbye. Until we meet again.”

by gregornot

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