In X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), when Dr. Trask warns the President about Mystique, he says, “She can transform into anyone: a general, a Secret Serviceman, even you ,Mr. President.” Throughout the movie, Mystique turns into each one, in that order.

by Jarlax1e


  1. No-Imagination-3060 on

    Hmm, so what’s the play, Trasky Boi? Oh, piss her off until she does exactly what you’re describing? Okie-dokie!

  2. They kinda messed up the story by implying they used Mystique’s powers to get the Sentinels to adapt to other mutants’ powers. Of course, it’s Rogue who does that but her scenes were cut from the theatrical release.

  3. Man I really gotta rewatch this movie. Also oh god its already 10 years old


  4. ConcentrateMost8256 on

    “She could be in this very room, she could be you, she could be me, she could even be…”

  5. I’ve watched this movie probably 20 times (best superhero movie) and never noticed that, good catch.

  6. BackgroundGrade on

    I loved the way Dr. Trask was written and played by Peter. No playing off the dwarfism, just a character who has it.

  7. Is Mystique just a really good actor, or does she have a secret audition tape for every role? 🤔

  8. Still find it hard to believe that Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg knocked it out of the park with this movie and then immediately shit the bed with X-Men Apocalypse

  9. Quick question. Do we still have to pretend that Tyrion is a good actor or has enough time passed that we can all admit that he’s just the best dwarf actor, and that the novelty has worn off?

  10. That had to be an accident. The X-Men movies would never have good writing on purpose^(1).

    ^(1)I just finished watching X-Men: Apocalypse.

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