1. Love the message here but the child next to Selena with total disinterest while eating is cracking me up 😂

  2. I love Selena. People make fun of her a lot, but she has a good heart. I have a feeling she kind of wishes she could disappear to a remote island in Greece for the rest of her days. She doesn’t strike me as someone who truly enjoys her fame, but she knows a lot of people depend on her and that she should be grateful. She cares for her entire family.

  3. I like her a lot and the message is lovely but she is slurring and that concerns me for her. She’s clearly drunk in this video, I feel like it shouldn’t have been shared for her sake

  4. Odd to see her with a martini after a kidney transplant. Are you allowed to drink after something like that?

  5. Cold_Breadfruit_9794 on

    I find it sad how much animosity is aimed at the idea of being victimized. There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging you were a victim

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