Little Rascals star sparks outrage after calling newborn son his ‘heir’ while daughters are ‘dishwashers’

by galaxystars1


  1. Isn’t he the guy who was caught huffing at a hotel? Real upstanding guy he became with that vileness.

  2. Beautiful_Flower8375 on

    What douchebag, those poor girls. Sucks there are mother’s willing to have children with these kinds of men


  3. Careless-Plane-5915 on

    The kids are very close in age and he had another tweet about a doctor speaking to his wife about giving her body a break or she might face risks and he was like ‘we told her where to go’. Absolutely figures that he wouldn’t actually care about his wife and her quality of life or health, she’s just a vessel to bear children and abide by his iron rule. If the worst was to happen in childbirth for her he’d replace her in under a year with a new domestic slave and baby machine.

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