‘Key & Peele’ Star Keegan-Michael Key Says He and Jordan Peele Don’t See Each Other That Often Anymore: “A Tragedy”

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. MarvelsGrantMan136 on


    >”It was a thrilling time in my life [meeting Peele].

    >We lived together for a few months and would write and talk about comedy — who we liked and why we liked them and how that worked in the architecture of what we were trying to build comedically. We shared a creative language. when we were on camera, it was alchemy. It was just like, ‘Why is this working?’

    >We don’t see each other that often anymore. Which is, to me, a tragedy. Your lives start to evolve and move in different directions. Our evolution, I think, is tied to both of what our desires are. His desire was to start exploring the horror genre, and my desire was to do more dramatic work like I had been trained in school. After Key & Peele, both of us jumped to another platform — but we needed that first platform.

    >I was playing the clown more and doing more physical comedy in the beginning of our time together, and then I found myself evolving into playing more of the straight roles and teeing up Jordan to play the clown. There was not a lot of improvising in season one. It wasn’t till the second season, third season that [we’d] loosen up and improvise… And we wrote some sketches that were just very strange and weird. And that was a fun part of the evolution.”

  2. People grow and change, sometimes separately, but what has passed can still be treasured. Something I didn’t learn till my late 20s.

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