Paramount’s TRANSFORMERS ONE rolled out in 2nd place with $25M domestic this weekend, adding $14M overseas for $39M worldwide.

by imaryans


  1. Well, 2nd place or not this is still a higher opening then Bumblebee. As a driver of merchandise sales and at a reasonable $75m budget there is a sustainable basis for more animated Transformers movies. Especially if ILM can reuse much of the existing CGI assets next time around.

  2. And *The Wild Robot* is coming up. Having watched it, yep, it’s fantastic and will be the main attraction for families. I don’t see *Transformers One* recouping the budget.

    Maybe Paramount will say that “the point was to sell toys”, but that doesn’t make the box office numbers any less disappointing.

  3. nicolasb51942003 on

    I’m not even sure if this can do TMNT: Mutant Mayhem numbers. Looks like Paramount Animation’s future is gonna rely more heavily on SpongeBob.

  4. It I’ll be fine. People acting like it’s gonna drop too 0 dollars a day now lol. It’s 75 mil budget. It’s already over half way there. In one weekend.

  5. This franchise used to print money and Paramount completely blew it. I don’t even blame Bay—he was just making the movies he wanted to make with his own style, and was getting huge paychecks for it. The onus was on Paramount to recognize that the franchise needed to go in a new direction, *long* before it actually did.

    This is now the second Transformers movie post-Bay to be pretty well liked, and Rise of the Beasts wasn’t some despised pile of garbage either. And yet they still can’t get that audience back. Sure, this movie might break even and it’ll sell a good number of toys, but the heyday of Transformers is long gone.

  6. Forever-Dallas-87 on

    I think ***Transformers: One*** would’ve done better had it opened in August instead when not as many kids were back in school or during the Labor Day weekend.

  7. This is so disappointing. The marketing, as has been said many times, didn’t do it any favors. But it’s actually a lot better than that marketing leads one to believe. I wasn’t blown away, but I really liked it. Great story, better animation than I thought, great music, great voice acting, and an absolutely AMAZING third act. I think my only complaints are that they run one joke into the ground, and there were a few points where the pacing made the movie feel a little longer than it was. For me it felt like it was maybe an hour 50 minutes. Not a terrible time delta to the real runtime, but definitely something that I felt.

  8. WOM can only do so much to cover an otherwise crappy marketing campaign. The trailers they released were downright awful, I’m not sure even kids would be impressed by them.

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