Vince McMahon Distances Himself From Netflix Docuseries ‘Mr. McMahon’: ‘A Lot Has Been Misrepresented or Left Out Entirely’

by NoCulture3505


  1. For those who don’t know, the WWF/WWE has had this kinda weird relationship with documentaries where they surprisingly allowed a couple in the late 90’s, resulting in some HIGHLY surprising insight.

    They then “shut the doors” for nearly 25+ years, deciding to make their own….and more infamously making their own hit jobs on performers they didn’t like.

    When this was rumored it was beyond eyebrow raising. When the sexual assault allegations arose though the WWE and Vince distanced themselves from the project…obviously.

    Note: Both are named as defendants in the upcoming trial

  2. Vince McMahon can distance himself all he wants. Between the allegations now, and previous ones we know he is scum. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that he did some of the things he is accused of. He thought this documentary would soften that blow but Netflix obviously went the sensational route to get more views. Oddly enough, the old 1980s Vince McMahon would approve.

  3. He’s a huge piece of shit so if he doesn’t like it, it’s probably accurately explaining why he’s a monster.

  4. Yeah i bet they left out the serial rapist who ran their volunteer force of kids who built the rings on the road every week, and raped a bunch of kids including one kid who ended up killing himself over it.

  5. I cannot recommend the five-part (yes, five part!) series that Behind The Bastards did on Vince McMahon. An excellent podcast always, but especially good work on the wwf/e and mcmahon.

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