Paid Sharing on Disney+: Here’s What You Need to Know

by NoCulture3505


  1. LiveFromNewYork95 on

    When this password sharing crackdown stuff was first announced I was sort of like “It makes sense, if I got to a buffet everyone has to pay, you can’t pay for one plate and split it among three people.” I didn’t like it but I got it. And I was sick of the “See, we can pirate now!” people.

    But the PR around these moves is starting to turn me off. The condescending explanation of “your Disney+ account is made to be enjoyed in your household” like people didn’t *understand* what streaming was actually supposed to be. Fuck you guys, you streaming services were the ones that championed “cutting the cord”, you made your services way more compatible with mobile devices and apps than using them on a TV, and you made it so you can have multiple profile per account. Just be human beings and admit “Hey, we know you were all drawn into streaming because it was super cheap to hare passwords but that’s not financially sustainable for us so we have to change.”

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