Lana Del Rey Obtains Marriage License Amid Jeremy Dufrene Romance

by SitchChick


  1. Daydream_machine on

    Not to be obnoxiously parasocial, but as a longtime Lana fan I hope this isn’t true. Dude is apparently MAGA with a bigoted history: I have no clue how she went from casting witchy spells against Trump to *this*.

  2. Necessary-Low9377 on

    She’s rich, famous and beautiful and she chooses to marry HIM??? I knew it was terrible, but the dating scene in 2024 is even worse than I thought 😳

  3. I find it shocking that y’all are shocked she’s dating a MAGA. Her entire thing was Americana and sleezy men lol

  4. At this point …. She made her choice now deal with the inevitable consequences! Should we start a pool for the following: 
    – how long will the marriage last? More than 6 months or less? 
    – do we think she will do a prenup? 
    – do we think she will start to do mini performances of her greatest hits on the swamp tours? 
    – do we think by the time the divorce happens she will have had a kid by him or be pregnant? 

  5. Im not american but i thought american license is something you get so you can marry other people? like friends or something? maybe I got it wrong from movies and tv lol

    shocking she’s marrying this dude they’ve only been together for months

  6. Visible_Writing7386 on

    I mean, even if you ignore the looks, this doesn’t make sense on so many levels. What is the attraction here?

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