“There is hatred out there,” Ferrell told The Independent. “It’s very real and it’s very unsafe for trans people in certain situations…But I don’t know why trans people are meant to be threatening to me as a cis male. I don’t know why Harper is threatening to me.”

“It’s so strange to me, because Harper is finally… her,” he added. “She’s finally who she was always meant to be. Whether or not you can ultimately wrap your head around that, why would you care if somebody’s happy? Why is that threatening to you? If the trans community is a threat to you, I think it stems from not being confident or safe with yourself.”

by cmaia1503


  1. thentherewaswind on

    His and Harper’s friendship warms my heart. They’ve been friends for over 30 years! She only came out fairly recently, and Will was supportive and continues to be supportive and talking about trans issues. And he said he’d had zero knowledge about the trans community previously, and yet he was immediately welcoming. I just… This is your friend and he always loved you and he will always love you, and you know it. Imagine. I’m so happy for Harper!

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