Lana Del Rey married Jeremy Dufrene today!

by throwawayeas989


  1. This feels very “we went to a wedding, thought we should get married, so we did”. I hope Lana did get a prenup just in case. Other than that, this feels like her vibe.

  2. Daydream_machine on

    I need to know what goes on in this woman’s brain, the way she switches from Waffle House employee to Coachella headliner to a Swamp Bride is just 😳🤯

  3. Otherwise_Aioli_7187 on


    The only positive thing I can say about this wedding….. Lana why?!?! I’m a long time fan and I know this is the type of man she sings about, I’m not surprised just very disappointed 🤦🏽‍♀️ why do beautiful women have such bad taste in men 🥴

  4. My first thought was “this is insane” and my second thought was “this so Lana Del Rey of her”

  5. About 3 hours ago I was in bed, reading about her getting a marriage license while trying to find the strength to get out of bed. 

    Now I’m at work reading about how she got married. 

    The whiplash is real.

  6. ElectricalWriting on

    So apparently he’s alluded to beating trans people?? Disappointing if true, fuck this guy and Lana for associating with him.

  7. Even-Education-4608 on

    I feel like this is the temu version of what she’s going for. Like I get the appeal of the backwoods man, been there done that. He was a terrible person but he could stand up straight.

  8. Aromatic-Seat-3372 on

    Was just browsing r/lanitas and turns out this guy is MAGA and a huge transphobe? And Lana was spotted at his trailer while his daughter fought people outside cause she was allegedly calling people N and F slurs??? What is happening??

    Edit: [Video of the trailer incident](

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