‘We Didn’t Let Her Leave’: Jay-Z Under Fire for Keeping 16-Year-Old Rihanna Held Up In His Office Until 3 A.M. to Secure Record Deal

by Either_Struggle8650


  1. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on


    Not surprised that we’re going to see the downfall of a lot of people in the industry.

  2. I’m pretty sure Rhianna has told this story before more than once, and she was not alone in the room… her manager or lawyer or someone was there. She also laughs when telling it, talking about how enthusiastic they were about signing her.

    Not saying JayZ is some angel because he definitely isn’t, but this situation doesn’t seem to be the smoking gun everyone is looking for.

    On a side note… it’s a little wild how determined folks seem to be to find THE scandal to take Jay Z down in light of the Diddy thing. I knew people didn’t like him but my goodness.

  3. Clairvoyant_Fox_399 on

    Do people understand that this was to get the lawyers there so she could sign the recording contract to start her career as soon as possible—not literally hold her hostage? Do people use common sense and logic? Do people know that this is actually such common knowledge about career that it was on the front page of Wikipedia’s Did You Know section?


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