Discussion is at the 22 minute mark

by The_Iceman2288


  1. I haven’t paid attention to these stupid awards shows in more than 20 years. Awards based on the whims of people who happen to have a vote.

  2. It shouldn’t be a comedy series category but it’s full of jokes. Pretty much any scene with the faks is comedic, the scene in season 2 where Sugar says she’s pregnant as the wall falls down and Richie shouts ‘I fuckin knew it!’ could appear in any sitcom. Also ‘insulting to the comedy community’ cmon lol

  3. While there have been jokes in all the seasons, I actually felt like s3 ramped up the humor quite a bit. It sometimes felt kinda forced, almost like they were trying to justify the comedy categorization

  4. This is the guy that produces 8 out of 10 Cats.

    Jimmy Carr isn’t unfunny but calling him a comedian is a stretch to me. There are times in Planet Earth when the animals do funny shit and I wouldn’t call that a comedy and there are more of those moments in Planet Earth than there are in 8 out of 10 Cats.

  5. Wandering_butnotlost on

    Can we please keep the slamming limited to politics? Awards are meant to be pure. Let’s keep them that way.

  6. > there isn’t a single joke in the show

    So he hasn’t watched it then? Thats just objectively false. 

  7. aloneinbrentwood on

    Just because there aren’t any “Baddum-Pshh”‘ style jokes with punchlines, but that doesn’t mean the show isn’t funny. Because it’s hilarious.

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