1. Classic-Carpet7609 on

    he should be thanking whatever entity he believes in that it lasted as long as it did considering how unfunny he is

  2. His aww shucks, impish schtick has gotten so old. I am over this era of celebrity interviews that is aimed toward tiktok and trends and perpetually online.

    Sean Evans would be a great replacement for Fallon IMO. Sure he makes celebrities eat hot wings but he is actually a great interviewer.

  3. cannabisinfluencer on

    Pretty sure the reason his show is failing is bc it’s not good. When celebrities call out jimmy he looks scared and doesn’t make a joke. He looked terrified at rupaul when rupaul said “A drag queen?! I’m the drag queen”. He looked scared when chappell roan said “you had to google me”. Other late night hosts, especially if they were on snl, would have been able to joke it off. He can’t, ergo jimmy isn’t funny. Not to mention he’s incredibly rude to his guests. He’s legitimately terrible at his job. Talking over them, interrupting them, insulting them, etc. plus he humanized trump during the 2016 election campaign, he’s got a terrible reputation. It’s no wonder he’s failing, people aren’t interested in him or his “entertainment”. Add the toxic work environment allegations and he’s over, a has been who I think never should have been.

  4. Jasminewindsong2 on

    During the writers strike, when John Oliver, Kimmel, Colbert, Meyers and Fallon all hosted that podcast together it was so painfully obvious Fallon just….was not even in the same stratosphere as the other four.

  5. He’s been a talk show host for 25 years, did he really want to do this forever? Move on, do something new.

  6. BlondeBorednBaked on

    He knows once the show is over he’s done. He’s deeply untalented. I’m sure he has enough money to retire comfortably but how is he going to get attention now? Making tik toks? 🤭

  7. Genuine question: I don’t know much about Fallon other than that I found him somewhat adorable in the 2000s. He seems pretty hated, at least in this thread- Is he a genuinely bad person or just super unfunny?

  8. His contract runs through 2028?! Good lord.

    In all seriousness, I’m not surprised late night shows are struggling. Cable is becoming less popular, and late night shows aren’t really something that I see people watching on streaming services. There’s also a lot of late night hosts and some are more likable than others 🤷🏻‍♀️

  9. So? He has millions. It’s not like he lives pay check to paycheck.


  10. It should have been Conan’s show anyway. But I’m glad that Conan got to pursue his own thing.

  11. BoysenberryLive7386 on

    I purposely avoid watching his interviews I cannot stand the way he talks, constantly stutters and acts like he has no idea what he’s talking about, and does basically no research about the celebrities he is interviewing. He’s not just untalented, he’s like offendingly bad at his job

  12. iliketoomanysingers on

    I’m sorry I know this isn’t a nice comparison but the way he hosts reminds me of when the slightly unfunny friend tries to add to the current bit and just confuses the friend group

  13. The bloom has been off of that rose for a LONG time. There are only so many late night talkshow spots. He really should just give someone else a chance.

  14. I do like his music skits, he seems to have a knack for that. But I don’t like Justin Timberlake as a person, and he seems to spotlight him a lot considering he really isn’t a relevant artist anymore. And it would be great to get diversity in late night, a female; a minority?

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