Lana Del Rey Thrifted Wedding Dress Months Before Marrying Jeremy Dufrene

by joaco_ds


  1. AcanthianVampire on

    surely she wouldn’t go this far just to troll us?

    Best of luck to both of them. She looks lovely.

  2. Listen if she likes him, I love him 🤷🏽‍♀️

    Currently looking forward to her Bayou Bay era

  3. How are people out here thrifting gorgeous, multiple thousand dollar gowns? That’s not a normal thing to just find at goodwill. But also, if you’re an über rich celebrity, maybe leave that dress for the next person lol

  4. I said this in another thread before, but this doesn’t surprise me. I feel like a lot of people, not just celebrities, are moving at a very quick pace in relationships these days.

    She’s 39 and she’s stated before that she wants a family/kids and it’s not unusual for people to move fast when they know they are past their prime reproductive years. Of course she may have had other reasons too, but I’ve seen this happen before with people I know personally.

  5. How could she use the veil aesthetic for years and then…abandon it on thee big day like this 🥲

  6. Never beating the method singing allegations.

    Also I kinda love that she seems to be doing whatever she wants.

  7. forgetthesolution on

    I really want to know the whole story with the wedding. She’s obviously been engaged for a while and known Jeremy for years. I hope she is genuinely happy with him, because that’s all of want for her, but I hope she comes out and supports Harris since the majority of her fan base is LGBT 🙁

  8. It’s not the move to be marrying MAGA supporters though. Lana could have found an old guy who isn’t like that…unless she’s fine with that or at worse a MAGA supporter as well.

  9. StarWars_and_SNL on

    I always assume that a surprising romantic pairing like this means that the guy can really eat.

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