Hollywood’s big boom has gone bust

by FurnitureGuides


  1. But what if they did another soulless remake that removes everything people like about the original?

  2. 70AlternatveAccounts on

    Good riddance. Seems like it’s just a breeding ground of depravity and horrific crime. I’m looking forward to seeing more cards begin to tumble with Diddy. Unlike Epstein, the reaction I am seeing from celebrities shows me they are genuinely scared which makes me think we’re on the brink of something big.

    Edit: Why are you booing me I’m right

  3. Sam-PorterBridges on

    >  Hollywood “always thinks it’s in crisis,” he says. “It is a town that constantly faces technological innovation – all kinds of change – which is part of the magic. Part of keeping content fresh is everyone having the idea that things don’t always have to be the way they’ve been.”

    This is a pretty sad article about people being out of work and such, but I feel like most of those updoots are from TLDRs who assume it’s a ha ha about *The Little Mermaid* remake or something. 

  4. FurnitureGuides on

    “Unemployment in film and TV in the United States was at 12.5% in August, but many think those numbers are actually much higher, because many film workers either do not file for unemployment benefits because they’re not eligible or they’ve exhausted those benefits after months of not working.

    As a whole, the number of US productions during the second quarter of 2024 was down about 40% compared to the same period in 2022. Globally, there was a 20% decline over that period, according to ProdPro, which tracks TV and film productions.

    That means less new movies and binge-worthy shows for us.”

    Wow down 40%, honestly didn’t know there has been that much of a decline in production. The strike definitely did not help.

  5. > For over a decade, business was booming in Hollywood, with studios battling to catch up to new companies like Netflix and Hulu. But the good times ground to a halt in May 2023, when Hollywood’s writers went on strike.

    This was happening after the Covid, the boom wasn’t gonna last forever. Covid and the Stikes in 2023 just accelerated that process.

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