Baby Reindeer was wrongly billed by Netflix as a ‘true story’, judge finds

by ILikeNeurons


  1. If you start a show with ‘this is a true story’, then proceed to fully portray a trial and conviction for what is alleged in the show, and that trial and conviction are completely fictional… then… I mean, sounds like it should be grounds for being able to sue. Not sure why Netflix would insist on the ‘true story’ being put in. Sensationalized? – yes – probably can get away with that, sure. Making up things out of whole cloth that didn’t happen? Probably a bridge too far for a show billed as a true story.

    Doesn’t seem right.

  2. To clarify: this wasn’t a final ruling on the case, but a [pre-trial ruling]( The real-life stalker sued Netflix for defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence, and violation of her privacy rights. The judge ruled that she didn’t demonstrate sufficient standing for the latter two, but ruled that her merit for the first two is strong enough that it can proceed to trial.

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