Still lying about their separation dates though

by SafeBodybuilder7191


  1. They’re always so vague. Also from the article, but not in the screenshots above:

    > The popular narrative, Grande says, doesn’t accurately reflect her and Slater’s original story. “The most disappointing part was to see so many people believe the worst version of it,” she says. “That was definitely a tough ride.”

    Then what is the true narrative?! They haven’t straight-up disputed the worst version.

  2. GetRealPrimrose on

    “I will never go into certain details” okay then people will never believe he didn’t walk out on his wife and child. I’m sorry, the timeline has never added up

  3. maybe it’s just me but if she genuinely thinks people have it all messed up or don’t have the full story then why not tell us your version of it?

    “the narrative is wrong” “it’s just rumors” “that’s a different version”. i can’t take the subliminal cryptic messages, just tell us

  4. lawinahopelessplace on


    Whatever as long as Lilly Jay and her child are good and comfortable and stable, enjoy your brother’s doppelgänger, Ariana.

  5. She literally could’ve just said nothing and this would’ve blown over

    We were kinda forgetting about her and SB already

  6. Virtual_Leader9639 on

    His wife posted lovely words about him in Facebook just a few weeks ago the break up. Girl, stop gaslighting us and shut the fuck up. Be happy that with the whole scandal, ur fans are still by ur side and buy ur music/makeup. His wife ain’t a delulu to post such beautiful words if this has been going on before ur involvement with him. Seriously, we give a spotlight to wrong ppl.

  7. > There couldn’t be a less accurate depiction of a human being

    Why do celebrities talk like this when addressing controversy?

  8. transitionshade on

    Really? Because his now ex wife had something different to say. Stans made up that she backtracked from what she said but I know that’s b.s. I feel bad for his ex wife and child and only them.

  9. New_Explanation6950 on

    The way she praises him “no one on earth has a better heart” is so histrionic. She seems to think in black and white.

  10. It’s crazy to me that she basically got away with this. Aside from Reddit, the gen pop don’t seem to care and her Wicked promo and release will continue unscathed.

  11. AnarchoBratzdoll on

    Idk getting with somebody you went on double dates with your spouse on just weeks earlier will always just be icky. 

  12. Ariana Homewrecker, you hung out with Lily and played with her infant son while you were fucking her husband. No whitewashing or neatly sanitized lie is ever going to change that.

  13. I don’t know what their actual situation is, but there’s a common narrative of a cheater complaining to his affair partner about how terrible his wife is and justifying why he cheats. And then the affair partner sides with him and tells herself he’s really a good guy, he’s just entrapped by an evil wife. I wonder if that narrative shares any similarities with her situation. 

  14. MercutioLivesh87 on

    Would this have something to do with the approaching release of wicked? Let’s speculate wildly…

  15. “No one on this earth tries harder or spreads themselves thinner to be there for the people that he loves and cares about.”

    Sure, go tell everyone he doesn’t love and care about his ex-wife and baby because he wasn’t there for them…

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