American sitcom Cheers set to be adapted for British viewers

by sincerityisscxry


  1. They’re about 43 years too late. With cell phones and internet many of the funny situations won’t work.

  2. Seems redundant as the original is easily available on streaming and dvd as well as being aired daily on Channel 4

  3. Dear-Yellow-5479 on

    Why, do they think we Brits wouldn’t be able to appreciate a comedy unless it’s in a British setting? Seems very patronising to me. I loved this show back in the 80s when it first aired. Really don’t feel the need for a British adaptation.

  4. Fun fact

    Fawlty towers was so successful in the UK that America wanted to do an American version of the show, the concept was pitched, more characters were pitched in anticipation of needing content for more episodes per season everything was ready to go until an executive realized most of the scenes took place in the hotel bar rather than the front desk like in the British version,

    He stated if you relocated the sitcom to a bar not a hotel and make a few tweaks then they would not have to pay any royalties to John Cleese’s and the British version of the show.

    thus CHEERS was born

    so this would be a British adaptation of an American show that started off life as an adaptation of a British show

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