Is Disney Bad at Star Wars?

by Extreme-Monk2183


  1. bigdicknippleshit on

    Just looking at the box office returns, merch sales and streaming numbers all declining heavily I would say yeah

  2. valkyria_knight881 on

    Star Wars was better when 20th Century Fox distributed the Star Wars films. Adjusted for inflation, A New Hope made more than The Force Awakens.

  3. TheCoolKat1995 on

    Yes. Yes it is. 

    After the diminishing returns of the sequel trilogy (which turned off a lot of people), Disney has been drifting aimlessly with this franchise for a while now, and has cancelled a pretty sizable number of projects in development because they either don’t know what to do with them or they’re afraid that they’ll flop.

  4. Yes turning the most valuable movie IP in the world into a middling television property doesn’t seem like great asset management.

    Andor innocent though

  5. I actually thought the force awakens wasnt that bad. The following two films felt like they werent planned in advance and you could tell in the quality. It’s honestly unforgiveable that Disney wouldnt storyboard the trilogy ahead of time to probably the biggest IP on earth.

  6. BeastoftheAtomAge on

    The short and easy answer is yes they are terrible at it. It’s been almost 5 years since I’ve been off the Star Wars and my life has really turned around.

  7. Well, let’s see. Star Wars went from being the biggest IP in entertainment to now having TV shows get cancelled after 1 season because no one watched it.

    Yeah, I’d say they’re pretty bad at Star Wars.

  8. My answer is No. they’re running into every problem Lucasfilm would’ve run into, too: sequels that prove controversial to longtime fans, spinoffs that the GA wasn’t interested in, and the reality that you can’t keep a party going on in perpetuity. In fact, Lucasfilm ALREADY RAN INTO THESE PROBLEMS between 1999 and 2012, fans these days just pretend like the franchise wasn’t massive on the outs with the GA for the years prior to TFA.

  9. Considering they’ve only made one good film and two good Disney+ shows along with the last 4 episodes of Clone Wars, I’m willing to say yes.

  10. DeathByBamboo on

    Read the article. It’s actually really well-reasoned and a balanced take on it.

    >Is Disney *bad* at Star Wars? … On balance, no.

    >Disney gave Star Wars fans what they wanted for decades — a lot more Star Wars, from different visionary filmmakers, and some of it has been terrific. A dormant franchise that once followed a single dynastic storyline has exploded into a more diverse galaxy of characters and stories. Even the oft-maligned sequel trilogy has sequences within each film that are inarguably stunning (for all its narrative flaws, *The Rise of Skywalker*‘s farewell scene between Han Solo and Kylo Ren is as moving as anything in the canon). And shows like *The Mandalorian*, *Andor* and *Rebels* clear even the highest bar a hardcore fan might reasonably set. A lot of the online uproar is a sign audiences are, at least, still very engaged and care about this franchise; a truer sign of failure would be apathy and disinterest.

    >But here’s another question: Could Disney be *better* at Star Wars? … Clearly, yes

  11. wack-a-burner on

    It legitimately makes me mad to think of how many poor people are working their asses off and can barely pay their bills, while Kathleen Kennedy is making probably tens of millions of dollars despite being the worst studio head in the history of Hollywood just because she used to stand in the same room with Lucas and Spielberg.

  12. NoEmailForYouReddit1 on

    Seems like Lucas was bad at it too by the end, seems like to me it’s a hard franchise to handle, and Disney the machine fumbled it

  13. specifichero101 on

    I’m not convinced anybody is good at Star Wars. Not a lot of evidence out there to the contrary.

  14. TonyKhanIsACokehead on

    Star Wars went from being a huge cultural event to just another show. Last Jedi killed any interest I have in star wars and I was pretty big fan since mid 00′.

  15. not_a_flying_toy_ on

    compared to…what? more tickets sold for the ST than the PT, and its a ratings leader on Disney plus.

    I think any corporate ownership of Lucasfilm is probably a bad fit, in that much of the franchise’s charm and spirit came from Lucas basically being an independent filmmaker making big budget movies. I think we also underestimate how much star wars really did just work as one man ‘s artistic vision (even if he werent always the director), how much it isnt good for endless franchising the way CBMs are.

    but yeah, any big studio controlled star wars is sort of antithetical to star wars

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