Neo confronting The Architect, even if more plain language was used it's a BIG lore/exposition dump. Made worse by the dialogue and confusing exposition. Even after rewatching it still honestly raises more questions than it provides answers! Which don't really materialize in the third movie.

I'm honestly curious here if there is a less clear exposition/lore dump example in cinema?

by Zealousideal-Army670


  1. Hot take here but I kinda enjoyed how weird and unclear it was. The scene laid bare that the typical expected denouement was not what was happening and that there’s something else going on. It invited the viewer to expect something different, and when we discover later that the “real
    world” is another simulation, it helps to put that into context.

  2. While I’m a big proponent of show-don’t-tell, that doesn’t mean that exposition, even “opaque exposition” like this, is always bad.

    I rather like the Architect scene.

    >Even after rewatching it still honestly raises more questions than it provides answers!

    Disagree. I think it covers most of the bases and wraps up the whole thing fairly neatly.

  3. nojugglingever on

    I was 15 and struggling to stay awake at the midnight premiere after getting up at 5am all week for school. I was so lost during this part. “Stay awake… understand… stay awake… understand…”

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