‘The Acolyte’ Star Jodie Turner-Smith Calls Out Disney for Failing To Defend Cast From Racist Backlash: “They don’t say anything when people are getting fucking dog-piled on the internet with racism and bullshit”

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. MarvelsGrantMan136 on


    >“She (Amandla Stenberg) put so much care and thought and love into that, and it’s disappointing to feel like your studio is not having your back in a very public-facing way.”

    >”They’ve got to stop doing this thing where they don’t say anything when people are getting fucking dog-piled on the internet with racism and bullshit. It’s just not fair to not say anything. It’s really unfair. It would just be nice if the people that have all the money were showing their support and putting their feet down. Say this is unacceptable: ‘You’re not a fan if you do this.’ Make a really big statement and just see if any money leaves. I bet you it won’t because people of colour, and especially Black people, make up a very large percentage of buying power. They might find that it’s actually more lucrative for them, but everyone’s using ‘woke’ like it’s a dirty word.”

  2. IntergalacticJets on

    Remember when stuff that happened on the internet wasn’t considered “real life”?

    Now it’s like the only aspect of life that seems to matter. 

  3. It’s always quite the coincidence that when there’s a black woman in Star Wars this just magically happens. And the audience pretty uniformly insists they’re not a problem.

  4. If the show had been a hit, even with the supposed dog-piling she’s talking about, she wouldn’t be saying anything. Sour grapes.

  5. Well, thats a fucking lie. Thats all they do. Point to the small minority of fucking idiots, highlight the fuck out of it, and then pretend that the majority of the audience. They have their big name actors always coming on to chat shit about the racist trolls on twitter. Member Ewan McGregor’s sitting the in the car saying “youre no star wars in my mind”? Yeah, Disney absolutely goes after the racist trolls.

    Saying “disney didnt have your back” is just more cope bullshit. Youre show sucked. Thats it. Thats all there was to it. IT wasnt because of racist trolls, or youtubers, or any of other noise you amplify to distract. The show was dog shit. End of story. Stop crying, go onto your next project and do better.

  6. Omg step one: get off the internet if you’re on a Star Wars project 

    You can’t control what people are saying even if it’s awful 

  7. Shit-Talker-Jr on

    Does she just not understand how much worse that would make things for them if Disney did that?

  8. “Power of one…” chat is one of the cringiest thing on tv, and it has nothing to do with race

  9. The chanting was uncomfortable.

    And the writing was bad. The finale fell flat, even for somebody who watched every episode as soon as it came out.

    I guess that makes me a racist asshole too, huh.

  10. Careful there lady, or The Mouse might shrink your portrait in the season 2 poster—oh wait.

  11. Was there a lot of racism and bullshit on the internet about this show? I tapped out after the first episode and most of what I read or saw online was about how terrible the show was.

  12. For a second I thought it said “dog-pilled.”

    Don’t look that up unless you want something to regret.

  13. That’s cause, surprise, Disney doesn’t actually give a shit about your feelings or racism or anything beyond making money.

  14. She needs to grow up. The internet ruined the life of a non-celebrity kid just because he wanted to record himself having fun with a broom as a lightsaber. It’s not a kind place. It hasn’t been for decades, and it’s not going to be nice no matter what Disney says.

  15. real_fake_hoors on

    I’m sure I’ve seen major players in the company come out against that sort of behavior. Beyond that, what can they do?

    Maybe they can work with the CIA and have trolls blackbagged off to some unknown torture site and never seen again. They can have the faceless goons wear mouse ears when they nab the people.

  16. As much as it sucks that some people are like this…

    It’s super annoying that actors keep bringing up the vocal minority of racist 4chan assholes. Yes, some people on the internet say horrible racist shit.

    They are the vocal minority though, you’ll never be able to change it.

    These companies don’t call attention to it because it will only make things WAY worse. When you give those people attention that will only encourage more of them to come out of the wood works and do the same shit.

  17. The WNBA is saying the same thing. What is Disney and the WNBA supposed to do against internet trolls? Seriously what is the solution?

  18. People leaving nasty comments on reddit is not being harassed. You made a shitty show and are too stupid to realize it

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