‘CBS Mornings’ Interview With Ta-Nehisi Coates Did Not Meet Editorial Standards, CBS News Execs Tell Staff

by penone_cary


  1. Jailhousecherub on

    Lmaoo the cbs journalist who said “I don’t understand what editorial standard it didn’t meet”

    Okay well basically the entire segment was nothing but pushback on coates with shitty gotcha style questions

    If you want to actually have a debate with ta-nehisi tell him that’s what’s going on

    Don’t invite him on just to shit on him and do shitty internet comebacks like “does Israel have a right to exist?” And then get surprised when people see it as weird

  2. awesomesauce1030 on

    >Ultimately, the executives also received pushback from CBS chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford, who said, “It sounds like we are calling out one of our anchors in a somewhat public setting on this call for failing to meet editorial standards for, I’m not even sure what.

    >“I thought our commitment was to truth. And when someone comes on our air with a one-sided account of a very complex situation, as Coates himself acknowledges that he has, it’s my understanding that as journalists we are obligated to challenge that worldview so that our viewers can have that access to the truth or a fuller account, a more balanced account,” Crawford continued. “And, to me, that is what Tony did.”

    Bullshit. They didn’t want the “truth” (whatever that means to them) they wanted to pick a fight

  3. The questions from Tony Dokoupil were embarrassing. They didn’t have any factual substance; it sounded like someone with a surface-level understanding of the conflict. This thing about Israel having a “right to exist”
    Is such a silly point; nobody talks about any other country this way even if they are subject to terrorism. It was like watching a reddit commenter try to lead an interview.

    The ironic part is that two of his kids live in Israel with his ex-wife. That tells me one of two things: either it’s not as unsafe as he makes it out to be, or Dokoupil is a bad father for letting his kids live somewhere unsafe.

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