Does Bruce Campbell Know Lines From His Most Famous Movies?

by outremer_empire


  1. RedPandaReturns on

    Get out of here, Variety YouTube channel employee.

    But first; You posted this within 3 minutes of it being uploaded to YouTube so you’re clearly the one who uploaded it there too, but 10 hours ago you also posted about suffering from homosexual premature ejaculation lmao. I have so many questions I kinda want you to stay and answer them.

  2. Strange technical question about this video: Do they shoot with one camera in a wide shot, and then use that footage to zoom in for all the various cuts and edits? Or is there a second camera doing some of the closer shots?

  3. I love Bruce Campbell. He’s such a producer. He knows everybody on a set. There’s no truer joy than watching him do anything with Sam Raimi. The director track on Army of Darkness is a thing of beauty.

    BRUCE: “That’s Charlie. He’s an actor that Sam and I love. His wife was in charge of catering. He’s got a wooden leg, but he loves Salsa dancing.”

    SAM: “Potato.”

    BRUCE: “Oh right. This is the part when Sam hits me with a potato. The villagers are supposed to throw rocks at Ash, and we had these beautiful fake rocks that were made by Carol Archibald. Beautiful women. Makes a mean Dirty Shirley. Anyways the rocks didn’t fly well and Sam thought they looked fake as hell. So Burt, our accountant, he liked to eat raw potatoes, and he’s on set that day, so Sam grabs the potato out of Burt’s hand and throws it at me.

    ASH: **hit by potato** AAAARRRGGGH

    SAM: **laughs hysterically**

    BRUCE: It did look better than fake rocks.

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