Al Pacino Accepted Razzie-Winning Role In Adam Sandler’s Critically Panned Movie Because He Was Broke

by cmaia1503


  1. > I think he should start off with Adam Sandler’s. Jack and Jill. I think that’s funny. It came at a time in my life that I needed it, because it was after I found out I had no more money. My accountant was in prison, and I needed something quickly. So I took this.

    > Pacino’s admission sheds light on the financial struggles even A-List actors can face, a reminder that Hollywood stardom doesn’t always guarantee long-term financial security. The fact that someone of Pacino’s stature accepted a now-Razzie-winning role highlights how real-world pressures can affect even the most selective performers. It also serves as an example of the unpredictability of an acting career, where even the most distinguished actors find themselves taking on projects for reasons beyond creative fulfillment.

  2. TalkToTheLord on

    Of course he should have (and did) do it for the money…but also maybe he should have because it’s funny as hell.

  3. I remember years ago reading an interview with Pacino where he said he can often tell the quality of a script by how much money they’re offering him. He said the more shitty the script, the more money.

  4. BarracudaBig7010 on

    The bills don’t care if the movie was a flop or not because they’re gonna keep coming regardless. Work is work.

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