I love going to old posts and seeing what people were thinking at the time. A poor guy said it would flop and it got downvoted like crazy…

by cinefibro


  1. Educational_Slice897 on

    Tbh I feel it flopping is a surprise. At least I think once reviews were coming out it was a little more clear. And now with toxic audience reception it’s just crashing and burning. Joker 2 is a prime example of why WOM and reception can be important

  2. StannisLivesOn on

    I’ve thought it would do mediumly well. I had no idea that it would go to such length to alienate the target audience.

  3. TheCoolKat1995 on

    Oh yeah, r/BoxOffice felt very confident about “Joker 2” being one of the biggest hits of the year and an easy billion dollar film. The idea that the movie could actually bomb, even if it alienated a good chunk of its audience, was considered to be unthinkable for a long time.

    Even after it got mixed reviews from critics after the Venice premiere, a lot of people still expected it to gross more than $500 million dollars in the [long range forecast](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/1f8wvi6/rboxoffice_long_range_forecast_joker_folie_%C3%A0_deux/) thread. One comment said this:

    >I’m sorry but all of you predicting 500-600M are just embarrassing urself. This is just like Deadpool and Wolverine dooming by people 8 months before. Even with bad wom it’s going to do 800M

    And about two months ago, someone made [a thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/1eujeas/what_are_the_chances_of_venom_3_making_more_than/) asking about the possibility that “Venom 3” could outgross “Joker 2”. Most of the comments in that thread have not aged well now.

  4. PointsOutTheUsername on

    Would be awesome if J2 led people to stop having such animosity towards outlier guesses. 

    Let them guess and be wrong before throwing shade. 

  5. SoftwareArtist123 on

    I figured it would not make as much when I have heard it was a musical but didn’t expect it to completely bomb. 😅😅

  6. I didn’t have the guts to say that Joker 2 was going to do half of what the original did because I knew I would’ve been downvoted into oblivion. In hindsight, I would’ve been wrong suggesting it would make even half of the original.

  7. I think it’s fair place to say seemingly dumb hot take. Wicked would gross less then 100M in outside of USA

  8. Just a small complain, but when you do these kind of polls put “x or lower” and “y or higher” as the extreme options instead of this

  9. Nobody expected this level of disaster. I knew it will underperform compared to the first one because of the musical element. However this is a next level nuclear bomb lol 💣

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