Andrew Garfield thinks sex scenes have changed because “we are building less connection with each other in our real lives”

by cmaia1503


  1. > “I think maybe this film feels from a different era because we are far more guarded with each other now,” Garfield continued. “Paranoid. Removed. Isolated. Divided. There’s far less intimacy because of this stuff.

    > “We are much less intimate with ourselves, and we’re much less intimate with death. Our feelings. Reality. Actually, we’re much less intimate with reality. There’s such a kind of dividedness around how we experience the world now, and I think it feels like this is a film filled with longing in that way.”

    > He added: “I think there’s either an unconscious or even conscious longing in the audience for these images. To see that level of intimacy and connection being lived out on screen, I think, will be a lovely reminder and inspiration for people.”

  2. I can see it. Connections are not valued and those we MAY connect with are now easily discarded.

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