In what world does a Wonder Woman 3 film make a billion dollars? What a wild take, especially post pandemic.

by SatireStation


  1. BeastoftheAtomAge on

    They scared the studio off with WW84. Hollywood needs to learn you can tank an entire franchise if an installment is that bad and WW84 is just that.

  2. usernamalreadytaken0 on

    Yeah, I mean what does Warner have to be afraid of? WW84 only failed to break even, no biggie. 😂

  3. It wouldn’t make a billion and Gal Gadot can’t really carry a movie that’s why Chris Pine was brought back in WW 1984. The 2017 Wonder Woman was lightning in a bottle.

    When Gunn eventually recasts the role and brings in a fresh new director then there will be potential.

  4. I used to think Wonder Woman 3 would be a sure hit but after Joker and Aquaman I’m really not sure, anymore.

  5. It’s also an IP that lost all of its goodwill after WW84 and made people dislike Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot as WW

    That billion dollars doesn’t exist

  6. Two things. One, WW84 was apparently terrible, such that a third installment is not assured of success. Two, DCEU is dead, and while they could make her a Elseworlds story, it’s probably better for the main continuity to cut as many ties as possible.

    If the DCEU had been still a thing, I’d have said “put her in a team-up” and if that one’s good, then bring her back.

    Like Captain Marvel (and the side characters in it), they need to have her in ensemble movies to bring back enthusiasm for her. They can’t do that with Gadot’s WW.

  7. DC last year with 4 movies could barely make $975 million, I doubt that any one movie that isn’t The Dark Knight 4 will be able to make a billion anytime soon

  8. TheCoolKat1995 on

    >This is a billion dollars that is lying on the table.

    Is it though? Not only is the DCEU dead now after a long string of flops, but I’m pretty sure “Wonder Woman 1984” killed a lot of goodwill for Gal Gadot’s version of the character.

  9. based_eibn_al-basad on

    “[Wonder Woman] made $800 million just in the movie theaters, and it has an enormous and passionate, passionate fan base. These are spectacular films, and there’s just no reason I can understand whatsoever for not investing in that. If I were a business person, I would say that’s money on the table. It’s right there.”

    She’s just going to ignore ww84 ever happened to make her argument? That’s not how business works, lol

  10. Different_Cricket_75 on

    I mean it could be true…in an universe where WW84 wasn’t so disliked (and even hated)

  11. The second one didn’t even make back its production budget! What the hell is Connie smoking?

  12. It makes sense she would say that, even though it’s blatantly flase. She would get paid regardless of WW3 failing miserably.

  13. UserXtheUnknown on

    Why not making a musical out of it? (Producers, if you want to give me 1 metric ton of dollars for the idea, I’m here.)

  14. Agreed.
    The fact that WW84 was awful doesn’t mean the franchise is dead.
    Ngl if they’ll make a proper good Joker 3 people would go watch it
    Hollywood is just extremely fast on shutting down after 1 failure

  15. I love the first and also like the second so I really would have loved to see a 3rd one. But on the age of the cinematic universe and the movies that are just trailers for other movies, this is not possible I guess

  16. Yes, but where’s Devils Advocate 2 Connie? Huh? Us Deviladvocians have literally hundreds of dollars here right on the table.

  17. The first Wonder Woman (2017) struggled to break $700M at the apex of the DCEU’s popularity (I use that term liberally) at a time when female-led superhero films were a novelty.

    What makes her think a sequel following on from the disaster that was WW84, with the DCEU’s brand at an all time low and Gal Gadot being universally unpopular, is going to a financial or critical success?

  18. While WW84 was definitely a victim of the pandemic it likely would’ve only made like 800-900M in normal times. I see no way how a third could only make a billion unless they brought in Circe who is a popular DC villain

  19. If it’s great, like best movie of the year great, she’s onto something. But even with that, WB would have to launch one hell of a marketing campaign

  20. Forward_Steak8574 on

    DCEU was a mess from the get-go. Better off abandoning everything and starting fresh with the DCU.

  21. justinkasereddditor on

    Wonder Woman needs a reboot they took the franchise down with 87 no one seeing Wonder Woman 3

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