Former Fifth Harmony member explains why she will be voting for Marianne Williamson for the 2024 US presidential election

by galaxystars1


  1. crystal_clear24 on

    as a non-American I come in peace and good faith.. but I distinctly remember reports that Biden would only do one term, when and why did that change? I know we can’t take polls seriously after 2016 but why don’t they primary him and nominate someone people would enthusiastically vote for? Would Americans be open to a more progressive candidate—especially now that their tax dollars are essentially funding war crimes? Or is it safer to have a Biden like moderate as an alternative to avoid Trump?

    If Trump is the Republican nominee which looks likely, if he’s convicted at any of his criminal trials, is he still eligible to run or would they have to replace him? The world is way too volatile and full of conflict for the most powerful country in the world to be run by Trump IMO, the thought of him winning is scary.

  2. Turbulent_Scale6506 on

    oh that’s not….

    appreciate all of Lauren’s comments on Palestine but no no no to Marianne Williamson

  3. She’s not “backed by corporate money”? But wasn’t her center funded by David Geffen? And wasn’t she on Oprah’s show a lot in the 90s?

    I guess that’s different than getting money from Exxon or whatever, but her “success” is still tied to the influence of the super rich.

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