Zack Snyder: “In ‘Rebel Moon’, they’re in this bar, and one of the aliens is one of the characters from [‘Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas’]. So it’s definitely a shared universe.”

by RealJohnGillman


  1. NightmareGorilla on

    If I was Zack Snyder I would probably avoid selling my movie with the promise of a shared universe.

  2. TheCosmicFailure on

    I’m honestly pretty curious to see Zack does with Rebel Moon and whatever other connected films he does.

    I know Im in the minority but I liked Army of The Dead.

  3. The one line in his movies that I enjoyed was Batman’s “Save one life”. Just do that, but movies. Like, it’s fine to have a plan but…make one film. Make it work. Then move on.

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