For me, it’s the 2008 live action Speed Racer. I grew up in the 70’s watching the cartoon and I thought the movie was great. It hit all the right notes in all the right places. I thought the casting was perfect! The racing action sequences were amazing. If Nascar or Formula 1 was like the races in this movie, I’d never miss a race. The plot felt like an old episode I never saw. The backstory of Speed was well done. I never get bored re-watching it. I was so disappointed when it didn’t do well and there wouldn’t be any sequels. If you’ve never seen it, give it a shot.


So let me have it. Tell me what I’m missing. And then also share your misunderstood favorite movie you love and why.

by jaeldi


  1. “More like a nonja.” Loved it. Having Lego sets associated with it did not hurt my enjoyment of it one bit. Probably added to the fun, truth be told

  2. hungrycarebear on

    Oh boy, am I gonna get ridiculed, but I loved Tom Cruise’s The Mummy. It’s probably one of my favorites. Unlike alot of my friends, I was fully aware it had nothing to do with the Brendan Fraiser movies, so that didn’t sour my opinion.

  3. NakedMuffinTime on

    Deep Rising. It’s definitely not high art, but it’s Stephen Sommers pre-Mummy (with Kevin J O’Connor as the wise cracking side character like in the Mummy). Plus, I think it’s a unique and fun monster movie set on a cruise ship, with a fun cast.

    And even though the CGI hasn’t aged as well, [this scene was nightmare fuel for me as a kid](

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