Rowling being openly and directly transphobic

by Royal-Reporter9225


  1. Royal-Reporter9225 on

    This interaction is about a theater show called TERF that is about Rowling being a bigot and being confronted by a bunch of people. India said she is too young to play her.

  2. She’s so horrible, and she doesn’t even try to hide her cruelty any more. I suppose it’s because she doesn’t have to, she has so many sycophantic transphobes (and bigots and alt-right personalities in general) cheering her on at every turn.

  3. This is especially fucking horrible since India herself was on a documentary recently saying that the way the media & public treated Miriam (transgender woman, star of There’s Something about Miriam) delayed her own process of coming out as trans by *years* because she thought she’d be ruining her own life.

    It would be horrible to say anyway. But something about that makes it especially fucking horrible.

  4. BeltReal4509 on

    When is this carbuncle going to go away and shut up? She’s so garbage and violent

  5. woahoutrageous_ on

    She’s a complete and utter fascist and she has been for ages. She surrounds herself with literal Nazis.

  6. Her targeting of India has been off the wall deranged harassment. The idea a billionaire is obsessed with random trans women like this is unfathomable to me.

  7. hattokatto12 on

    What does this tweet even mean? Can boys/men not be called young???? ?????


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