I was a big fan of the show back in the day but I have never found out what happened with it. For those who don’t know the show, here’s the IMDB link:


Why I’m asking is because one of the actors who was part of it is coming to a local convention, Jason Priestley. My plan is to ask what happened to the show.

Again, in case you weren’t aware, it was renewed for a full season 2 from my understanding but about 6 episodes into the filming of the second season, production was shut down and it never returned. Eventually, the 6 episodes that were filmed got released on Australian network TV.

The only place some people were able to watch all 6 episodes of season 2 was when they released the “Complete Series” DVDs a few years later. Streaming wasn’t a thing yet. Some of the episodes are now available on YouTube for some reason.

As far as I can tell, none of the actors or writers have ever spoken publicly about what happened. But obviously I haven’t been to every convention that they have been to.

Does anyone know what happened? I would love to at least be informed if I am going to ask the question.

by AndrewHeard

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