Jared Padalecki Officially Coming to ‘The Boys’ Season 5

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. 👎 No thanks, Jensen Ackles already ruined season 3 with his presence and now him 🙄

  2. Lanky_Needleworker_1 on

    All I need is to see Sam and Dean and their dad on screen together again, it’s a bonus if we get Bobby too.

  3. RecommendsMalazan on

    Eh. Maybe it’s just me, but I’d rather there be a character that Kripke feels Padalecki can play well, rather than starting with Padaldcki and seeing what character they can make up for him.

    It feels almost… I don’t think pandering is the right word, but it’s not far off.

    I think it makes me have less faith that the story will be done well, because rather than just thinking about what’s the best story they can/want to tell, they now are thinking what’s the best story that has a character Padalecki would play well.

  4. chazzapompey on

    Still haven’t watched S4. Anyone watching – is it really as mediocre as the ratings suggest?

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