Jimmi Simpson…..Underrated, in my opinion.

by ObviousOpinions


  1. carolinemathildes on

    LOVE him. He is so talented (and I genuinely find him quite attractive as well), whenever he’s in something I’m like, okay, this is gonna be good lol. Recently The Starling Girl!

  2. him and cashew were the best part of house of cards. Love him in it’s always sunny, he’s just fabulous!!!

  3. phillip_the_plant on

    As people have said he’s great in Psych but also he’s great in Westworld and just about everything I’ve seen him in

  4. Well-Jenelle on

    I didn’t realize how many things he has been involved with until this thread. I agree he is underrated. It was fun watching It’s always sunny and seeing him there then turning on house of cards and seeing him play a different character completely. He has range!

  5. I agree. Also I’m watching Dark Matter right now and it’s one of those rare situations where the show is somehow better than the book.

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